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Most of us do. Something about spring inspires us! We throw open those curtains, see that gorgeous sunshine and all the “new” sprouts and buds, and have an urge to deep clean our homes. Maybe it’s because of feeling cooped up all winter. Or, maybe it’s just wanting to see out of a clean window!

As you are enjoying spring, it’s also time to schedule your Spring Clean Check-up for your A/C unit. Spring is the perfect time to make certain your unit is in working order before the heat of summer arrives.

Why is a check-up of your A/C unit important?

You check and clean your vacuum, right? If you don’t empty the dust and dander from the bag or tray, it will start throwing it back into the air. You clean the brushes so it will pick up the debris better. You even clean the filters, so it can do a better job. In short, you do a few preventative measures to make your vacuum work efficiently and prolong its life.

Well, checking and maintaining your A/C unit is similar. You cannot expect your air conditioner to do a good job if it’s full of dust, has leaks, or even clogs. Did you know that just 1/4-inch of dirt build-up can cause your unit to lose up to 30% of its efficiency?

Our Spring Clean Check-up is a great way to stay on top of your A/C unit maintenance. No one wants to let little things turn into giant catastrophes. This is one way to help ensure your A/C doesn’t die on the hottest day of the year!

Your check-up includes a refrigerant level check, cleaning, and monitoring done by one of our professionals and usually takes about one hour. It is a relatively quick and easy process, yet one, that if done properly and consistently, can catch little issues before they become HUGE issues. This also saves you BIG money, when you catch things before they become an emergency.

There are always a few things you can do to help keep your A/C in tip-top shape yourself:

  • clean out any leaf or grass debris from under or around the unit
  • clean the grill of leaf matter
  • change your inside filters – if your family has serious allergies it is recommended to do so every month
  • make sure your unit is level – this may not sound like much, but an out-of-level condenser unit can cause the compressor within to fail earlier than a level condenser
  • check your carbon monoxide detectors. Any gas fired application needs routine maintenance. 

We offer Peace of Mind

We would be happy to schedule your Spring Cleaning Check, but have you heard about our Peace of Mind Plan? Becoming a Peace of Mind member awards you the usual semi-annual cleaning checks on your heating and air conditioning units plus so much more! We handle the little things like what is listed above and work to keep your units and your plumbing in tip-top shape for a low monthly payment.

The Peace of Mind Plan is perfect if you don’t want to shell out upwards of $3,000 for a new condenser, or $5,000+ for a new A/C unit. There’s no other plan like it. It’s not a warranty plan. It’s a plan that helps keep all your heating, plumbing and air systems running smoothly including replacement of your unit should it break down beyond repair (terms and conditions apply). We help protect your largest investment, your home.

Peace of Mind is perfect for single parents, the elderly, or the busy homeowner. Instead of hearing a clank in your unit, then hoping and praying that it won’t turn into something major, you’ll be comfortable in calling us immediately to check things out because it’s included in your plan. If you own your home, you owe it to yourself to have peace of mind.

Remember, a few simple steps and planning ahead can help you prevent major trouble down the road and be much easier on your pocketbook.

Happy spring cleaning!

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