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7 Tips to Winterizing Your Home for Time Away

It’s always fun to take time off and getaway. Especially this time of year as the holidays draw near.

You may leave town and go visit family. You may even have a trip planned to go somewhere warm and tropical to get away from the bitter cold of winter.


Harvesting Fall’s Fun

If it feels like summer blew past with barely a nod, you’re not alone. With the end of summer and the onset of autumn, it’s time to enjoy many activities in our area, like pumpkin patches, craft fairs, hay rides, and bonfires.

There are wonderful farms close to Springfield offering fun family outings. With all the talented artists at the craft fairs, what a lovely way to find a nice gift for the upcoming holidays or a keepsake for yourself.

Check out these fall local activities:

Pumpkin Patches

  • Rutledge-Wilson Farm
  • Campbell’s Maze Daze & Pumpkin Patch
  • Hampton’s Corn Maze & Pumpkins
  • Gunter’s Farm

Craft Fairs

  • Heritage Days | Sept 29-30
  • Ozark Craft Fair | Oct 5
  • Apple Butter Makin’ Days | Oct 12-14

With the arrival of September, it’s time to give us a call to schedule your fall systems check-up. Regular check-ups on are essential to the long life of your heating and air conditioning unit.

We conduct a thorough checkup of all your components to make sure you get through the winter comfortably! Our service includes checking:

  • Moving parts and belts, including electrical connections
  • The blower and vents for leaks
  • The pilot light and burner
  • Wiring for any damage
  • Hoses and drainage systems
  • Gas pressure
  • The heat exchanger for any corrosion
  • Carbon monoxide testing
  • Filters that haven’t been replaced recently

We want to make sure you are nice and toasty all winter long. Don’t wait until the first winter cold snap, give us a call today to get on our schedule for your service maintenance.

Memorial Day is May 28th!

With all the wonderful things to celebrate in May, like Nurses Day, Mother’s Day, and graduations, Memorial Day is a super special one to us.

Wikipedia says “Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May, (this year it is May 28th). It was formerly known as Decoration Day and commemorates all men and women who have died in military service for the United States. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day and it is traditionally seen as the start of the summer season.”

For us, Memorial Day is not only a way to honor those who died in military service, but also to remember those family and friends who passed before us. It takes us literally to our forefathers. It helps us connect to our roots, not only with surnames but a little history about when they lived and where they lived. It seems fewer people mark the holiday in this way.

Memorial Day was first observed in 1868, when a Union general announced that fallen Civil War soldiers’ graves should be decorated on May 30th. It did not become a federal holiday until 1971.

Did you know there are special flag observances for the day? It is to be flown at half-mast, as in mourning, until noon, then raising it fully for the remainder of the day.

Memorial Day weekend is also the unofficial kickoff to summer. Many people see it as the first time for float trips, swimming, camping trips, or vacations.

However you choose to celebrate, we hope there’s a time you’ll remember those that fought for this country.

Veterans, we thank you and honor your service to this country! When calling for services, be sure to ask us about our Veteran discounts.

So how will you be celebrating Memorial Day? We would like to hear your plans and ideas, feel free to connect with us via email or Facebook.

Other Notable Dates in May
May 9: National Receptionist’s Day
May 11: Military Spouse Appreciation Day
May 13: Mother’s Day
May 20: National Rescue Dog Day
May 24: Brother’s Day

Our rescue babies, Foxie & Lexie.

How to keep your Valentine cozy in this crazy MO weather

How do you keep your Valentine cozy when in this crazy Missouri weather it’s HOT one minute…COLD the next? Your sweetheart isn’t the only one who needs tender loving care during this season, so does your HVAC system!

Your HVAC system may think you’re crazy running the heat all night, then the next morning, turning on the A/C.

Missouri is no stranger to fluctuating temperatures. Just a couple of weeks ago we went from -6 degrees to 70 in the matter of a couple of days. Then the crazy Missouri weather topped it off with tornadoes in January!

These highs and lows can make your head spin!

While it’s not “bad” on your system to run the heat and A/C in the same day, there are a couple of key things to remember to keep it running for the long haul.

First, ease into the new temp. Maybe adjust your preferred temperature gradually…the goal is to not overtax the system. Making too big of a jump in temp can lead to technical issues and be a big strain on your HVAC system.

Second, wait five minutes between switching from heat to air (or vice versa). Switching too quickly can fry your circuit board or blow a fuse.

Lastly, because Missouri will always have crazy weather, we can’t stress enough the importance of routine maintenance. Avoiding checkups to your HVAC system can greatly shorten the life of your system and even lead to serious dangers. Dust, dirt, and debris inside the unit can lead to house fires if left to build up. Worn out wiring and lack of insulation around wiring can also be dangerous.

Routine checkups can greatly increase the lifespan of your system while providing you with the security you need to know you and your loved ones are safe.

Whether you’ve lived in Missouri all your life, ten years, or just ten days, you will have noticed it can be coat weather in the morning and shorts weather in the afternoon. That’s not likely to change, so investing a little in routine maintenance will really give you peace of mind.

Which reminds us, we offer the Peace of Mind Service Plan.

The Peace of Mind plan is NOT an insurance policy or a warranty plan. It is a service membership exclusively offered by A&D Mechanical Services. Consider us your personal maintenance team!

For just a low monthly membership, repairs and maintenance on covered units will be made. Parts needed for repair are included in the plan and if there is a total failure of your covered equipment, we will replace the unit. NO OTHER PLAN DOES THAT!

We appreciate you as our customer and are wishing you a warm Valentine’s Day and hope you don’t have to flip from heat to A/C several times in one day!

Spring Cleaning Time!

As we head into the summer months, we suggest you schedule your Spring Clean Check-up for your A/C unit. May is the perfect time to make certain your unit is in working order. You don’t want to get caught in a heat wave without A/C!

You’re smart by ensuring your heating and air units are checked out regularly (twice a year). It not only prolongs the life of your equipment by at least seven years and spots little problems before they become big expenses, but did you know it could also save your life?

Lately, the news has been filled with stories about carbon monoxide leaks killing people. Just last month dozens were sickened and one child died from a carbon monoxide leak in a pool heater. A father and his seven children were found dead inside a Maryland home. In Alaska, a teen was killed and seven others hospitalized from the carbon monoxide buildup caused by a boiler in the garage.

We hate to hear these stories because we know that often these tragedies could have been prevented with a simple check two or three times a year by a professional.

You see, with education and preventative maintenance, these deaths most likely would not have happened. Hearing these stories really pulls at our heart-strings and we certainly don’t want anything like that to happen, because there is a high probability of prevention. Whether you call us or have another professional checking out your furnace or plumbing, ask them to check your fuel-fired systems (including appliances) for leaks.

Testing for carbon monoxide usually takes as little as 3 minutes. If you don’t have one, we recommend installing a carbon monoxide detector. But just because you have a carbon monoxide detector installed doesn’t mean they last forever. The detecting components lose effectiveness after about 5 years and may not detect the carbon monoxide any longer.

Since you cannot see, hear, taste or smell carbon monoxide, a routine check is a small thing that really could save you and your family’s life. Be aware of symptoms like headaches, drowsiness, dizziness and confusion. Take precautionary measures to see if it could be something in your home that is making you sick.

We Offer Peace of Mind

We are happy to schedule your Spring Cleaning Check, but have you heard about our Peace of Mind Plan? Becoming a Peace of Mind member awards you the usual semi-annual cleaning checks on your heating and air conditioning units plus so much more! We handle the little things to keep your units and your plumbing in tip-top shape for a low monthly payment.

Often, little problems are ignored out of fear of how much it would cost to repair. Then, when that little problem develops into a HUGE mess our pocketbook really suffers! Peace of Mind members aren’t concerned by a confusing warranty for certain items in their home, but rather are assured with constant care of their heating, plumbing and air conditioning systems. Instead of hearing a clank, then hoping and praying that it won’t turn into something major, they are perfectly comfortable in calling us immediately to check things out because it’s included in their plan.

Peace of Mind is perfect for single parents, the elderly, or any busy homeowner. If you own your home, you owe it to yourself to have Peace of Mind.

Remember, a few simple steps and planning can help you prevent major trouble down the road and will be much easier on your pocketbook.

We wish you happy spring cleaning! Looking forward to hearing from you.

Happy spring cleaning!