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Most people are destroying their HVAC system and don’t even realize it.

They are paying higher utility bills, needing their system serviced often, and even shortening the life of their HVAC system.

The solution to prolong the life of your heating and air conditioning system and save you money is quite simple.

Change Your Air Filters Often

Changing Air Filters Is Essential for Maintaining a Healthy HVAC Unit

We go on countless service calls where we find that the unit’s filters have been forgotten and are horribly clogged. Approximately 25% of our service calls in the last year for issues of no heat or no cool or intermittent heating or intermittent cooling have all been caused by clogged filters.

These service calls and the added wear and tear on the HVAC units could have been prevented by regularly changing the air filters.

Air Flow is Essential

A HVAC unit cannot run without air flow. Air flow is one of the most important components of an HVAC system for it to function properly. If filters aren’t changed on a regular basis, you’re damaging your unit.

Replacing filters consistently will maintain the needed air flow to the whole system, keeping the unit’s coil clean and allowing the unit to work efficiently.

A clogged filter leads to many issues. The coil may freeze. Your unit may cycle on and off frequently. Components will fail.

With clogged filters, you are not getting the maximum usage out of your equipment. Not only are you damaging your equipment and causing its life expectancy to go down, but you are also raising your utility bill.

Change Your Air Filters Often

It bears repeating. Change your air filters often. It’s the easiest and most affordable way to keep your system running longer.

Set a reminder for yourself. Whether it’s a reminder on your phone or checking every time you get your utility bill, create a system that reminds you to check and replace your air filters often.

A good rule of thumb is to change your filter every three months. We recommend monthly filter change during spring and fall seasons when there’s more pollen in the air.

Spring and fall system clean and checks help prolong the life of your heating and air-conditioning unit. While one of our checkpoints in our system clean and check service is to check and replace your air filter, it’s up to you, the homeowner, to check and replace your filters often.

Call us today to schedule your clean and check appointment today.

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